Our Projects

The Alaotra Mangoro region hosts a project revolving around the production of the African Bird’s Eye Chili (ABEC) or Sakay Pilo kely in Malagasy, a Capsicum Frutescens variety. MCI produces this organic chili in Antsirinala, located 10km away from Moramanga, but also in partnership with local land-owning producers and farmer organizations in the region. In this contract based agricultural collaboration, MCI provides the producers with seeds and the company later buys the generated crops. This joint venture takes places in different areas : on the banks of the Mangoro river, in villages located on the RN44 axis, in Andasibe at the doors of the national Park and also in protected areas leading to Beforona. Aromatic herbs and plants are also being grown in that region (vetiver, lemongrass, ginger root) and a test for a cinnamon tree plantation has also started there in 2017.

MCI works with a total of 6 farmer organizations, each sub-association can reach a hundred producer members and these amounts to more than a thousand individual producers. Apart from the African Bird’s Eye Chili, they collaborate on other organic products : ginger root, vetiver, cinnamon, pink peppercorn and curcuma (turmeric).
In the Analanjirofo region, MCI works with cooperatives in Maroantsetra, Mananara, Vavantenina and Fenerive Est for vanilla, cloves and cinnamon.